Facts about G20

Facts about G20

In 2023 presidency of G20 summit is with India

In 2023 presidency of G20 summit is with India

Main meeting of G20 is on 9th and 10 th of sept 2023 in Pragati Maidan Delhi. 

Main meeting of G20 is on 9th and 10 th of sept 2023 in Pragati Maidan Delhi. 

Last year presidency of G20 was with Indonesia.

Last year presidency of G20 was with Indonesia.

Next year presidency of G20 will be with Brazil.

Next year presidency of G20 will be with Brazil.

This year theme of G20 is Vasudev Kutumbakam and green devlopment 

This year theme of G20 is Vasudev Kutumbakam and green devlopment