• In the present era, Israel has achieved remarkable technological advancements and made significant progress within a relatively short period of time. However, the history of Israel is filled with dramatic and thrilling events that have shaped the nation’s journey.
  • In the 1800s, there was a growing realization among Jews that they needed a place of their own where they could find refuge and establish a homeland. They observed that no country was willing to provide them with a permanent shelter and recognized the necessity of creating their own nation.
  • In 1896, an Austro-Hungarian journalist initiated a political movement advocating for the establishment of a separate country for Jews. According to his perspective, it was crucial for Jews to have their own nation. This idea emphasized the necessity of creating a dedicated homeland where Jewish people could live independently and find security.
  • Following the political movement, a significant wave of migration occurred in the region of Palestine. Large numbers of people moved to Palestine. This migration brought about substantial demographic changes and had a profound impact on the region’s social and political landscape.
  • Why Palestine? Jerusalem situated in Palestine was the place which is religious for the Jews. That time there was no Gaza Patti and no west bank was existed in the Palestine area. The whole Palestine was under the control in Ottoman Empire. During the time of the Ottoman Empire, people of various religious backgrounds coexisted peacefully.
  • During the ongoing World War in 1915, Britain made a promise to the Arab population that they would grant them control over the area of Palestine. This promise, known as the Hussein-McMahon Correspondence, aimed to secure Arab support against the Ottoman Empire. The British pledged to recognize and support Arab independence in the region after the war.
  • Similarly, during the same time period, Britain also made promises to the Jewish population. In 1917, with the issuance of the Balfour Declaration, Britain expressed its support for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. This declaration stated that Britain viewed favorably the creation of a Jewish homeland while respecting the rights of existing non-Jewish communities in the region. The Balfour Declaration had a significant impact on the Zionist movement and the future of Jewish settlement in Palestine.
  • In reality, British had taken the control over the half of the Ottoman Empire and give half of Ottoman Empire to the France. The area of Palestine is under the control of British until 1948.
  • During Hitler’s control of Germany, his disdain for Jews led to the occurrence of a genocide known as the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime implemented a systematic plan to persecute and exterminate millions of Jews during World War II. This horrific event involved mass killings, concentration camps, and other forms of persecution, resulting in the tragic loss of millions of Jewish lives.
  • This situation of Germany resulting into major migration of Jews into various countries in the world. Jews tried to entered into Palestine also, British had not allowed them to enter into the Palestine (that time Palestine is under the British Control) because of that Israel nationalist movement had started in the Palestine. At the same time Palestine nationalist movement had also started in the Palestine.
  • Palestine achieved independence from British rule. This marked a significant milestone in the region’s history. Both Palestinian nationalists and Israeli nationalists voiced their aspirations for the establishment of independent countries, each representing the interests of Muslims and Jews respectively. Palestinian nationalists sought an independent state where Muslims could have self-determination and a homeland, while Israeli nationalists aimed to create a sovereign nation where Jews could live independently and safely. These parallel demands for separate nations fueled the complex and contentious dynamics between the two groups in the pursuit of their respective national aspirations.
  • The United Nations made a significant decision to partition the land of Palestine into two separate entities. This occurred in 1947 with the adoption of the UN Partition Plan for Palestine. The plan proposed dividing the territory into an Arab state and a Jewish state, thus addressing the competing national aspirations of both communities. This partition aimed to provide a solution to the ongoing conflicts and establish peace in the region. However, the implementation of the partition plan was met with resistance and ultimately led to further tensions and conflicts between the Arab and Jewish populations in Palestine.
  • As per United Nations 55% land of Palestine came under the control of Israel and 45% of land came under the control of Palestine. Jerusalem came under the international control as it is the place which is holy place of 3 Muslims, Jews and Christian religions.

Arab-Israel war (1948):

Arab countries were not happy with the decision of the United Nations. Therefore, Arab-Israel war imposed on new nation Israel in 1948. Arab states, including Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon, opposed the creation of Israel and invaded the newly formed state. The war resulted in Israel retaining its independence and gaining additional territory, while Palestinian Arabs experienced displacement and the loss of their homes.

Suez Crisis (1956):

The Suez Crisis began when Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal, leading to a military intervention by Israel, the United Kingdom, and France. Israel aimed to weaken Egyptian control over the canal and remove threats posed by Palestinian fedayeen attacks. International pressure and the withdrawal of the invading forces eventually ended the crisis, but it highlighted tensions between Israel and its Arab neighbors.

Six-Day War (1967):

This war was a major conflict between Israel and the Arab states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Israel launched preemptive strikes against its adversaries, resulting in a swift Israeli victory. The war led to Israel gaining control of the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights, significantly altering the regional dynamics and further fueling tensions.

These conflicts have had far-reaching consequences for the region, shaping the geopolitical landscape and impacting the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, regional alliances, and peace efforts in the Middle East.


In conclusion, the formation of Israel as an independent state in 1948 marked a significant milestone in history. It was the culmination of a long-standing aspiration of the Jewish people to establish a homeland of their own. However, the creation of Israel also sparked conflicts and tensions with the Arab states and the Palestinian population, leading to a series of Arab-Israeli wars and ongoing challenges in the region.

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By Renu

At the core of my being, I have a deep passion for exploring knowledge and expanding my horizons. This innate curiosity has led me to engage in various hobbies and interests. Whether it's delving into the realms of literature, acquiring new skills, tending to my garden, or expressing my thoughts through content writing, I find joy and fulfaillment in these endeavors. Read more on about page.

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