As per the news comes out recently many ministers of India is claiming that in 2024 India will take our territory back. POK is the Pakistan occupied Kashmir which is lost by India in 1947. Citizens of POK want to unite with Jammu and Kashmir of India.

First we should understand that what is POK, It is stand as Pak occupied Kashmir. Pakistan-occupied Kashmir is an area of about 13,297 square miles with a population of around 4.6 million people. It refers to the portion of the region of Jammu and Kashmir that is administered by Pakistan.

You can find this area marked in red on the map:

POK (Pakistan-occupied Kashmir) is a part of India located to the north. It’s an area in the larger region of Jammu and Kashmir, which is a point of dispute between India and Pakistan. In 1947 Pakistan had occupied this region unlawfully from India.

After the revocation of article 370 Jammu and Kashmir started growing. Due to infrastructure development people of Jammu and Kashmir are getting several opportunities in this region.

The comparison between Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK) and Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) reveals significant differences in various aspects:

Standard of Living:

POK: Generally considered an underdeveloped region in Asia.

J&K: Generally higher standard of living compared to POK.

Infrastructure Development:

POK: Limited infrastructure development. No railway network in POK.

J&K: Better infrastructure development, including transportation and utilities. Has own railway line.


POK: Lower GDP compared to J&K.

J&K: Generally higher GDP, reflecting a more developed economy.

Per Capita Income:

POK: Lower per capita income on average.

J&K: Generally higher per capita income compared to POK.

Health and Education:

POK: Faces challenges in health and education infrastructure.

J&K: Generally better health and education facilities compared to POK.

These differences can be attributed to various factors, including historical, political, and economic considerations. It’s important to note that the development of regions can be influenced by various factors, and this comparison is a broad overview based on general trends.

In Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK), people face injustices and limited rights. Citizens can’t freely protest on the streets. According to activists, Chinese companies are exploiting POK’s natural resources, but the local residents aren’t benefiting from these resources. This situation highlights concerns about fairness and the equitable distribution of the region’s wealth.

In Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK), the economic conditions are tough, and people are struggling to meet basic needs. Many in POK have faith in the Indian government because of India’s growing global reputation and flourishing economy. As a result, there are protests against the Pakistan government in POK, as residents express a desire to join India for better prospects.

The issue of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK) is a complex geopolitical matter, and there are different potential approaches for the Indian government:

Peace Agreement:

Offering a financial settlement to Pakistan for the return of POK is a diplomatic option. However, it may be challenging as India asserts that POK is inherently part of its territory. Paying for its own territory may not be seen as a viable or justifiable option.

Military Action (Invasion):

Invading POK militarily is a more aggressive option. However, this approach is not favored due to potential economic sanctions and damage to India’s global reputation. India has traditionally been known for a peaceful approach, and such military actions may face international criticism.

UN Intervention and Referendum:

Involving the United Nations and holding a referendum in POK is a diplomatic and international approach. This would require international cooperation and agreement, and the outcome would depend on the will of the people in the region.

Each of these options comes with its own set of challenges, and the resolution of territorial disputes is a complex matter involving diplomatic, political, and international considerations. The Indian government’s strategy would likely depend on a combination of diplomatic efforts, international support, and the prevailing geopolitical context.

Let’s unfold the history of POK:

In 1947, when British India gained independence, the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir had the option to join either India or Pak istan. The Maharaja, the ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, opted for accession to India, leading to a conflict with Pakistan. The situation resulted in the first Indo-Pakistani war in 1947-48.

The conflict ended with the establishment of a ceasefire line, which was later renamed the Line of Control (LoC), dividing the region into parts administered by India and Pakistan. However, the issue was not fully resolved, and tensions persist.

What is Line of Control?

The Line of Control (LoC) in India refers to the de facto border that separates the regions of Jammu and Kashmir administered by India and Pakistan. It came into existence as a result of the first Indo-Pakistani war in 1947-48.

Pakistan-Administered Areas: The areas that Pakistan controls on its side of the Line of Control are often referred to as “Azad Jammu and Kashmir” (AJK) and “Gilgit-Baltistan.” The term “Azad Jammu and Kashmir” translates to “Free Jammu and Kashmir,” but it is important to note that this region does not have the same autonomy as other provinces in Pakistan.

Indian Perspective: India considers POK to be an integral part of its territory, and it refers to the region as “Pakistan-occupied Kashmir” to emphasize its claim. India has raised the issue at various international forums, asserting that the entire territory of Jammu and Kashmir, including POK, is an integral part of India.

International Dispute: The Kashmir issue has been a longstanding point of contention between India and Pakistan. Both countries have fought several wars over the region, and the matter remains a subject of international concern. Various international efforts have been made to facilitate a resolution, but a comprehensive and lasting solution has not been reached.

It’s important to note that the status of POK remains a contentious and sensitive issue and perspectives on the matter can vary based on the geopolitical stance of different nations.


In short, POK holds significant geopolitical importance as it serves as a gateway to Central Asia for India. China’s involvement in the region through the BRI project and heavy investments complicates the situation. For India to reclaim POK, it would need to navigate challenges with both Pakistan and China simultaneously, making the path ahead complex and intriguing.

By Renu

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