Aliens are existed in the Universe?

Is it true that we are alone in this universe? Or are other planets like us advanced civilizations? In the last few days, there was a very interesting incident in the world, especially in Mexico. In Peru, a 1000 -year -old mummy was found, who was brought to the world by the Mexican Congress.

The mummy has five fingers and says that this mummy is 1000 years old. People believe that this mummy is not a human, but an alien mummy. Common sense is that it is a publicity stunt. Scientists believe that this is not an alien.

It is a statue made by sticking human bones and animal bones. But aliens look at this topic carefully. Today, we try to solve an alien mystery. You will get some information about NASA’s missions, which can actually be found by aliens.

Where are the aliens? Have you ever seen the stars in the darkness of the night and thought that are we alone in this universe? Or are we alone in another planet? Or are we alien? If we are, why haven’t they come to meet us?

Where are they? Often, this argument is similar to conspiracy theory. But today, let’s go one step ahead. This is our universe. Actually, this is observable universe. Its total diameter is 93 billion light years.

Or, it will take 93 billion years to reach from one corner to another. If we hold Earth in the center, we can see around 46 .5 billion light years in every direction. It’s not like this is the boundary of the universe.

We often imagine the universe as a bubble, which should have a finite boundary. But the universe is like a sea, and the observable universe is one of them. The light of the observable universe doesn’t reach us.

So, we may never know what it is. But this observable universe is enough to exist as aliens. Because there are a few hundred billion galaxies here. And in every galaxy, there are 100 to 1000 billion stars.

If one of them is planet star, one of them is life on planets, and one of them is intelligent, then our whole universe should be filled with space ships. Why? Because of the Drake equation. The Drake equation is a mathematical framework in which different factors are considered.

Like which rate of stars are formed, how many of them are planets, how much of them can be habitable, how many of them can be intelligent life forms that travel in space like us. Estimates are estimated to have 10,000 civilizations.

This should be in our galaxy. Not just one or two, but 10,000. But where is this? And why is it taking so much time? Milk away. Meaning, if we talk about our galaxy, our galaxy is about 13 billion years old.

Earth is only 4 billion years old. Meaning, if we talk about time, there was a lot of time for aliens. To develop technology, to colonize the entire galaxy, and to reach us. But why isn’t there any evidence?

There is time, space, but not the aliens. This is called Fermi Paradox. Nobel Prize winning physicist Enrico Fermi asked a very valid question while having a randomly lunched meal. Where are the aliens?

Where are the aliens? And all their smart friends were silent. Even after researching about space for years, even after seeing the path of signals from the world’s 100 satellites, we don’t get any message or missed call.

That’s why Fermi believed that this is the explanation. There are no aliens. We are alone in the entire universe. This is called Fermi Paradox. Which may be the ultimate full stop of our space journey.

But the story doesn’t end here. Scientists are searching for it. And there are some concepts that can solve this Fermi Paradox. The levels of alien life a broad term. Small microorganisms are also life.

Pets, plants, birds are also life. And we humans are also life. But we humans have one step ahead of the rest of life. Because where life can only use its physical energy, we have expanded our limits.


In conclusion, the search for extraterrestrial life is a fascinating endeavor marked by the vastness of the observable universe and the intriguing possibilities presented by the Drake equation. While the Fermi Paradox raises questions about the apparent absence of alien civilizations despite the vast time and space available, scientists continue their exploration, considering various concepts to unravel this cosmic mystery. As we gaze at the stars, the quest for understanding our place in the universe persists, keeping the door open to the potential discovery of life beyond our planet.

By Renu

At the core of my being, I have a deep passion for exploring knowledge and expanding my horizons. This innate curiosity has led me to engage in various hobbies and interests. Whether it's delving into the realms of literature, acquiring new skills, tending to my garden, or expressing my thoughts through content writing, I find joy and fulfaillment in these endeavors. Read more on about page.

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